Before I Die

Before I Die   Canvas, 36″ H x 24″ W in.

Before I Die

My Lord, within the Holy Scriptues that were inspired by Your spirit and written for the sons of mankind I have but one question that I must ask from my heart that has caused my soul to be in fear.

He who lived in the ancient of days made the statement “O Lord, do not refuse me Before I die”.

I beg that You understand my fear for there is no man that has walked upon this earth with Your word tied to his heart that has not become a victim to Sheol for I am not a fool that I should believe that my path should be any different.

As my heart speaks, I ask that You incline Your ear to listen. If a ship had no rudder, how shall it be guided? And, if a ship had no anchor, how can it find rest?

I am like a ship without a rudder, I beg that You guide my heart so that my soul will not be in fear, and that You anchor my heart upon Your word so that I can find my rest.

And as I lie in my resting place, I beg that You cause my soul to stand because my greatest fear is that I give You a reason to refuse me, Before I Die. ©


Upon your purchase, you will receive a Scriptural reference as to how this poem was written and some of the Authors notes, a sign Certificate and it’s authentication by a American poet , Videographer, Photography and Author of the book “Inspirational Poetry by Design.”


Total: $450.00

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