

Why Hebrew Poetry, by Kevin Shah

The other day, I’ve visited Tony O’Brien with the intentions of hearing him read his Hebrew Poems.  I got something else,  something I never expected. As a Barnes and Noble open mic host, I had witnessed the power of his art.  In his “reading,” Tony reached into people’s soul.  During Open Mic nights, he would show a carefully selected photograph.  Then he would render the poem and individualize it on the spot.  The result was always astounding.

I have spent a lifetime searching for writing filled with truth and fluid aesthetic power.  My search has taking me from the Scriptures to the seemingly nonsensical  verses of rhythmic poets.  I once recognized the gift in a classmate who mesmerized me with his lucid and effervescent prose.  I took up poetry and scripture memory.  I would memorize entire books of the Bible.  I wanted the clarity of truth. But I also wanted beauty.  Perhaps our best examples of this gift,  besides the Bible, is Shakespeare.  Who can deny the power of Hamlet’s framing question,  “To be or not to be”? We all recognize the gift when we hear or read it.

In two hours, Tony taught me exactly how to write what he calls Hebrew Poetry.  It is a format that is both demanding and liberating.  We stretched out on his living room floor and chose biblical forced words.  Then we develop a simple narrative structure based upon a simple images, the same way Jesus taught in parables.  We leaned toward concentrated biblical language.  By using various Bibles, we checked our work to make sure our poetic promises were supported. This was an energizing process that we followed up with scriptural citations and a brief commentary.

You may ask, “Why should I learn such a demanding art form?”  I found the process addictive.  Here I was reaching into myself, finding scriptural connections, and recording it all.  The process is highly personal, and at times emotional.  I was struck by the simplicity of the process- it just takes a little time.  The reason I chose to embrace this art form is two-fold: first, I have seen it’s power with the audience. Second, the format forced me to see connections I would not normally have seen.  Jesus taught the most profound truths using simple language and allegories.

The fun only begins when you finish the poem.  After showing me several framed photographs with accompanying poems, he explained that I would need to find a picture to help the audience focus on a certain image.

The person who chooses Hebrew Poetry not only creates an end product, but begins an intense and personal Bible study.  I recently watched a special on how Bentley luxury cars are made: they are made one at a time.  The power of this poetry is in the process.  Hebrew Poetry is built for stability, truth, and aesthetic appeal, and emotional content.  Now I think I know how David must have felt pinning the Psalms.  David use Music; we use photography.  I cannot wait to snap the picture for my very  first Hebrew Poem, “Bread of Life.”  Hebrew Poetry is not for everyone.   But, if you want to write in a way that builds connections within yourself and with others, consider Hebrew Poetry.

Tony O’Brien, was recognized as one of the most influential and respected Americans of the 21st century in our community, and for helping to improve our society… Harvey L. Hall, Mayor City of Bakersfield

Many articles have been written about Mr. O’Brien in the “Bakersfield California” and the “Bakersfield News Observer”.  One memorable article stated, “O’Brien words are extremely commercial, often using poetry to express basic human emotions like love, friendship and religious devotion” as found in the words from “Before I Die”, “I ask that you incline your ear to listen/ If a ship had no rudder, how shall it be guided?” His work has been showcased at Barnes and Noble and Borders Books in Bakersfield, CA and Barnes and Noble in Tulsa, OK, where his photography with text was displayed.